Hannes Boeker,
Creative Director
How to build
a brand – highly simplified
Branding is what you do, the brand is what you get in return. The brand is much more than its communication, it’s its holistic approach. Here is a highly simplified tutorial:
Have a great product or service
Find the reason why someone should care about your product and your company.
What do you believe in? How do you see the world and why should anyone care?
Give it a name, design a word-mark and a logo
Develop the corporate design
Constantly share with all employees and stakeholders 'why do we exist’ and 'why are we doing what we’re doing’
Regularly align with all stakeholders; 'whom are we selling to, when, and where’ Constantly iterate, adjust, apply and learn
Do interesting things rooted in the above, thus follow up on your promises
Communicate what you’re doing
Deliver on all your audience’s touchpoints – that is the ’brand experience’
Create memories for your audience: Mutual, and shared experiences are what build the brand over time